You may have found this site purposely or stumbled upon it out of curiosity. Either way, here we are. Together.
If you are a parent of a special needs child or adult, you are already a familiar friend. As a parent of two young adult special needs children, I know a few things about you. Sure, not EVERYTHING, but certainly a few things! This site is meant to help you find moments of encouragement and rest. I have walked this special needs parenting journey for over 20 years now and I still need these moments daily. So, I may not know your shoe size or your favorite meal, but I know this about you, you need encouragement and rest too.
This site is not so much information based. You generally won't find specific resources for your special needs child such as the best speech therapist in your area or the best brand of organic carrots for your child's diet. (I know you've Googled these things. See, I told ya, I recognize you.) This is just one of the many things I've learned over the years about you and me, we've most likely spent countless hours looking for the best resources for our children. For them.
What about you? What do you need today? Not, what do you need so that you can help your child, just what do YOU need?
Come on in! Take a moment to sit and rest.

My Family
Kim Cusimano Bio
Kim Cusimano is a wife, mother, writer, and teacher. Kim has taught in public and private schools and spent a few years homeschooling her own children. Her love for teaching has been extended beyond a school setting, leading numerous women's Bible studies and small groups at churches and in her home.
Her poetry and articles have been published in several compilation books. She also enjoys writing here at FullJoyMinistries.com.
As a mother to two special needs, young adults, she has a passion for encouraging everyone around her to live life to his or her fullest and use the abilities God has given them.
Kim is married to her supportive husband, Joe, and they have four beautiful children. In the early years of marriage, they decided to build their family through international adoption. Years have passed since parenting toddlers and toting diaper bags; they are living in a new season of ushering their children into young adulthood.
She is the founder of Full Joy Ministries. Her vision is to create a space to bring joy and hope to other special needs families through words of encouragement.
My Books

Contributing Author in She Writes for Him
She Writes For Him: Stories of Resilient Faith is written by brave women who have boldly ventured out to tell their hard stories of abortion, depression, betrayal, loss, and shame. These resilient women have found that God’s steadfast love can be trusted in the midst of difficult and tragic circumstances. This book is Redemption Press’s debut in a series meant to infuse hope and courage to others who have experienced similar journeys, that they might know they are not alone and can find healing.

Featured in Staying Power
Too often, when a life crisis hits, a marriage suffers--even a healthy one--and all the personality profiles and couples' therapy in the world won't keep your marriage from experiencing the tough stuff. So how do you and your spouse face the stresses put on your marriage and not only stay together but come out on the other side even more loving and committed?

Contributing Author in Whispers of Grace
A collection of stories, devotions, poems, and prayers encourages the reader to listen to the voice and
movement of God in their own life.
I recommend ...

Unbroken Faith by Diane Dokko Kim
Unbroken Faith identifies and treats the crippling fear, guilt, and inadequacy that parents of special needs kids can encounter.
Kim courageously articulates deep-seated, unspoken doubts and fears you may have but are afraid to voice: Will my child still have a full life? Can I do this? Where is God in all this?

Self Care and Soul Care for the Caregiver Podcast
Self Care and Soul Care for the Caregiver is purposeful and practical. It doesn’t add more to your to-do list—it transforms your to-do list for better fulfillment and efficiency. I hope you’ll listen, and that it will be a blessing to you!